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Migrant Crossings Head Toward Highest Since 2007, DHS Chief Says

Started by Anonymous, March 19, 2019, 03:17:41 PM

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Build that wall now.
QuoteMigrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border are on track to reach the highest level in more than a decade, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen plans to announce Monday as the Trump administration presses its case for an immigration emergency.

The administration projects that it will apprehend close to 100,000 migrants illegally crossing the border this month, the most since March 2007.

"I want to cut through the politics to tell you loud and clear: There is no 'manufactured' crisis at our southern border. There is a real-life humanitarian and security catastrophe," Nielsen plans to say in her annual State of Homeland Security address Monday at George Washington University in Washington, according to prepared remarks."> ... elsen-says">


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Build that wall now.
QuoteMigrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border are on track to reach the highest level in more than a decade, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen plans to announce Monday as the Trump administration presses its case for an immigration emergency.

The administration projects that it will apprehend close to 100,000 migrants illegally crossing the border this month, the most since March 2007.

"I want to cut through the politics to tell you loud and clear: There is no 'manufactured' crisis at our southern border. There is a real-life humanitarian and security catastrophe," Nielsen plans to say in her annual State of Homeland Security address Monday at George Washington University in Washington, according to prepared remarks."> ... elsen-says">

I have heard the number of illegals crossing  the border has risen significantly..

I think it is the result of changes to amnesty policy..

People wanting to claim asylum must do it from Mexico or another country..

I could be wrong, but I think I read that is behind the recent surge in illegal crossings..

People that would've made asylum requests in the past.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Build that wall now.
QuoteMigrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border are on track to reach the highest level in more than a decade, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen plans to announce Monday as the Trump administration presses its case for an immigration emergency.

The administration projects that it will apprehend close to 100,000 migrants illegally crossing the border this month, the most since March 2007.

"I want to cut through the politics to tell you loud and clear: There is no 'manufactured' crisis at our southern border. There is a real-life humanitarian and security catastrophe," Nielsen plans to say in her annual State of Homeland Security address Monday at George Washington University in Washington, according to prepared remarks."> ... elsen-says">

It's a real crisis.



Congress tried to veto reality.

Instead, President Trump vetoed Congress.

When Congress voted to block President Trump's emergency declaration on the southern border, the president vetoed their measure.

No matter how hard Congress tries to ignore, deny and dodge reality, we have a humanitarian, security and enforcement crisis at the border. As Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Nielsen said, it is beyond a national emergency — it's a total meltdown of our immigration system.

Sadly, their willful ignorance, ideological blindfold and hatred of President Trump prevent Congress from acknowledging it.

Illegal immigrant apprehensions on our southern border are at the highest level in a decade. But even that statistic doesn't tell the whole story.

The number of migrant families with young children is higher than ever. In the first five months of this year, over 136 thousand were apprehended — that's almost a third higher than were apprehended all of last year.

Human traffickers have put the word out in Central America that bringing a child provides a free pass to enter our country.  Business is so brisk smugglers are now offering a volume discount and using luxury express buses to take migrants from Guatemala to the U.S. with children traveling free, the Washington Post reports.

Once at the frontier, migrants don't try to evade the Border Patrol. They willingly surrender, often in groups of a hundred or more, lining up in an orderly fashion as if they were entering our country legally.

So far this year, over 268,000 immigrants were apprehended on our southwestern border. Another 100,000 could cross in March. On one night alone in early March, agents took in 700 migrants just in El Paso.

At the current rate, one million of the poorest people on Earth could show up at the Rio Grande this year.  Once they are released into our country, as courts dictate, they will compete against the most vulnerable Americans for jobs on the lowest rung of the economic ladder.

Many of the arriving migrants have medical issues and require emergency care. Kevin K. McAleenan, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, sayson a typical day the United States Border Patrol refers 50 individuals to a hospital or medical provider. All children receive medical screening.

As a former prosecutor who fought for justice for women and children who were victims of sexual assault, it gives me chills when I hear CBP must screen every female over 10 years of age for rape. Doctors Without Borders reports more than 30 percent of women migrants it interviewed are sexually assaulted on the way North.

At the same time Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer deny there is an emergency at the border, they asked for nearly a half billion dollars from taxpayers to provide medical care and food for illegal immigrants showing up at the border.

But there's more to the emergency than migrants. The same criminal gangs that traffic people also traffic drugs. They will use migrants to divert Border Patrol agents in order to bring drugs across.

Drug overdoses are now the number one cause of death for Americans under the age of 55.

Over 70,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2017.  The Centers for Disease Control reports the sharpest increase in deaths came from fentanyl, cheap synthetic heroin that is flooding our country.

Fentanyl is made in China and smuggled into America by Mexican cartels.  One load of fentanyl seized by customs agents on the Mexican border in January was enough to kill more than 115 million people.

By any measure of objective reality, there is a national emergency at the southern border.

There's also another national emergency. It's in Washington where Congress refuses to recognize reality or do anything about it.

The president took an oath to preserve and protect our country.

He takes that oath seriously.

Congress must take off its blindfold and work with President Trump to end the immigration crisis threatening our nation.


How many of these Central Americans sending all the wealth of the US back home are in US illegally.


Foreign nationals from three Central American countries that send some of the highest numbers of illegal immigrants to the U.S. are sending back a record amount of money to their home countries.

Immigrants from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras sent back a record $120 billion in remittances this decade, according to an immigration expert who spoke to the Washington Examiner using U.N. and Latin American banking statistics. The numbers are expected to keep rising, with immigrants from these three nations having sent $17 billion in 2018 alone, and Central American bank data indicates that the trend will keeping going.

"The sums of money involved are huge, particularly as a share of GDP and personal income in the Central American countries," Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert with the Center for Immigration Studies, said to the Examiner. "It offers a big clue as to why these countries are giving only token efforts to stem the tide of migrants to the United States, especially El Salvador and Honduras."

The issue of remittances — money sent to the home countries of immigrants living and working in the U.S. — has remained a hot topic of debate. U.S. lawmakers have, in the past, proposed legislation that would tax remittances.

One proposal that did not make it through Congress would have taxed these payments at seven percent. If such a tax was levied on the $138 billion all immigrants sent in remittances in 2016, the revenue would have paid for President Donald Trump's border wall within three years' time.

However, the enormous size of the remittances play a significant role in the Central American economies — creating an incentive for their governments to not seek reform. Remittances to Honduras and El Salvador made up over 20 percent of their economies, with over 90 percent of remittances sent to these countries originating from the U.S.


The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases, NBC News has learned.

A DHS official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said people subject to the the policy, called Migrant Protection Protocols by the Trump administration, will be required to remain in Mexico beginning later this week.

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

Most likely some leftist fake judge will try to stop this soon.  :mad:


Quote from: "Wazzzup"The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases, NBC News has learned.

A DHS official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said people subject to the the policy, called Migrant Protection Protocols by the Trump administration, will be required to remain in Mexico beginning later this week.

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

Most likely some leftist fake judge will try to stop this soon.  :mad:[/quote]
It's about time. :thumbup:


Quote from: "Wazzzup"The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases, NBC News has learned.

A DHS official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said people subject to the the policy, called Migrant Protection Protocols by the Trump administration, will be required to remain in Mexico beginning later this week.

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

Most likely some leftist fake judge will try to stop this soon.  :mad:[/quote]
The judge has a fence around his house with a security system. :laugh3:
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Wazzzup"The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases, NBC News has learned.

A DHS official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said people subject to the the policy, called Migrant Protection Protocols by the Trump administration, will be required to remain in Mexico beginning later this week.

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

Most likely some leftist fake judge will try to stop this soon.  :mad:[/quote]
If someone is fleeing legitimate persecution and they have temporary sanctuary in a safe third country like Mexico while they make a claim for asylum in the US, than what's the problem?


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases, NBC News has learned.

A DHS official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said people subject to the the policy, called Migrant Protection Protocols by the Trump administration, will be required to remain in Mexico beginning later this week.

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

Most likely some leftist fake judge will try to stop this soon.  :mad:

If someone is fleeing legitimate persecution and they have temporary sanctuary in a safe third country like Mexico while they make a claim for asylum in the US, than what's the problem?[/quote]It makes perfect sense.  But I would bet big money a leftard resistence "judge" will say its "unconstitutional" which, translated, means progs don't like it.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"The Department of Homeland Security began rolling out in El Paso, Texas, Wednesday its policy of requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while they await court hearings in their cases, NBC News has learned.

A DHS official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said people subject to the the policy, called Migrant Protection Protocols by the Trump administration, will be required to remain in Mexico beginning later this week.

The policy began in January at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, where migrants were told to wait in Tijuana, Mexico, while their asylum requests were processed.

The waits are now imposed on migrants trying to cross anywhere in the San Diego sector of the California-Mexico border.

Most likely some leftist fake judge will try to stop this soon.  :mad:

If someone is fleeing legitimate persecution and they have temporary sanctuary in a safe third country like Mexico while they make a claim for asylum in the US, than what's the problem?
It makes perfect sense.  But I would bet big money a leftard resistence "judge" will say its "unconstitutional" which, translated, means progs don't like it.[/quote]
Progs want as many illegals in the US and voting as can make it across the wall free border.


A fake refugee who defied his deportation order kills someone. This is why fake ass asylum seekers need to wait in Mexico while their bullshit claims are being processed."> ... benshapiro">

Illegal Alien Kills Alabama Schoolteacher

Last Thursday, an illegal alien in Mobile, Alabama crossed a highway median and killed a local private schoolteacher in a head-on collision. The alien, 16 years old, was initially denied asylum upon crossing the Mexico-Arizona border in 2017 but was nonetheless free in the nation's interior despite his having also received a final deportation order. Commentator Daniel Horowitz summarizes the incident at Conservative Review:

Sonya Jones, a schoolteacher in a Christian academy in Mobile, Alabama, was killed on Monday when an illegal alien from Guatemala hit her head-on after crossing the center line of a local highway. Domingo Marcos, 16, is a poster child for what is going on now at the border. He came here in 2017 claiming asylum at the Arizona border, as encouraged and coached by the smugglers. He was, of course, denied asylum and issued final deportation orders. But as I reported earlier this week, there are over one million illegal aliens in this country with final deportation orders who still remain in this country, and very few of them are being deported. Marcos was one of 129,000 Guatemalans with final orders who remain here, and now a popular schoolteacher has paid the price with her life. Marcos was arrested when he was caught fleeing the scene of the accident.


Immigration system at 'breaking point,' senior official says"> ... 553707515/">


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Immigration system at 'breaking point,' senior official says"> ... 553707515/">

Trump's declaration of a national emergency was justified.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"Immigration system at 'breaking point,' senior official says"> ... 553707515/">

Trump's declaration of a national emergency was justified.
More news to confirm that.

Federal authorities shut down all checkpoints in New Mexico, to re-allocate agents to deal with the influx of migrants from south of the border."> ... 57311.html">

Pew Research: Deporting Illegal Aliens Is Top Priority for GOP Voters"> ... ation-pew/">

If only republicans themselves could start acting like it matters.

Trump has said he might shut down the border.  I wish he would.  I expect he is only bluffing though, he does that a lot.